Get social! 5 easy content generation strategies for busy business owners

Stuck with marketing your business and NO content ideas?

You love to read. You feed your mind daily as well feeding as your body, your family, and your friends (and your pets, says Woofy). But let’s be honest. You often read on the go –phone in hand. Audible or Kindle is your best friend, hello? Am I right?

If you’re a solopreneur or a small business owner, connections matter. Words matter. You’ve gotta talk to your current and potential clients to keep your business moving forward. But there’s only so much of YOU to go around. You turn to social media to clone you, but…

Coming up with those post ideas when you’re spread so thin? You feel stuck. Overloaded. When it’s time to post, your mind goes a million other directions.

So frustrating!  You’ve got brilliant business ideas, but your words fall flat when they hit the screen.

Here’s where Woofy nudges you with his cold, wet nose and offers to help. 


Ready for some more Wise Words from Woofy?

  • Seize the moment! Use your phone’s memo app to record written or voice notes. The phone’s already nearby for most of your day. When sudden inspiration hits, grab your phone like you do when that text notification beeps. Train yourself with a treat when you take this small winning action! Soon it will become a habit. 
  • Keep a small idea notebook on your person. Just like you always keep a dog treat handy, sometimes the very act of writing on paper releases your inner genius. 
  • Save relevant news articles inside of Woofy. Take a look at these before you execute the next step to populate your mind with content ideas. Did you know Woofy will also generate posts/quotes from articles you save? How about hashtags too? Oh wait, Woofy even suggests royalty free images as well! 
  • Block out time when your mind is fresh for a “brain dump”. Whether you choose to use this time to generate new content or strategize your business marketing plans, guard your blocked time. Consider this paying yourself first. 
    • Turn off phone notifications and all other distracting devices. 
    • Hire a nanny for an hour. 
    • Hire a dog-sitter (sorry, Woofy)!
    • Have your coffee or tea handy.
    • Shut yourself in your creative space — no visitors allowed.  
    • Record your ideas as they flow without interruption.

Do what you need to do to give yourself time to think and let the inner creative juices out!  

  • Combine the results of all of the above with the “Pomodoro” technique.  If you’re unfamiliar with this productivity technique, check out this detailed article on To save you precious time, here’s the basic plan.
    • Gather your ideas from your phone, notebook, and “brain dump” storage. (Hint: you can store ALL of these ideas on Woofy. Check out the library feature.)
    • Set the timer to 25 minutes on your phone or preferred app. Or use a red tomato kitchen timer, like Cirillo, the inventor of the Pomodor technique did.
    • Write your content, social media posts, headlines, and so forth. If you write content inside of Woofy, you’ll find you have Facebook posts, Twitter suggestions and hashtags, and Instagram quotes being generated for you as you write. Woofy’s AI is SO exciting! 
    • Take a five minute break and reset the timer for another 25 minutes. (Woofy’s favorite, because breaks mean he gets a few extra head and belly rubs.)

Rinse and repeat the steps above. Prepare to be amazed by all of the extra time you can now spend playing at the park with your kids AND the family dog! 

If you’ve found any of Woofy’s tips helpful, please share with your fellow humans!  #WinWithWoofy


About / is a data science driven social media marketing platform designed to help small businesses and marketers globally compete in today’s digital world with the power of data. Woofy’s powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning engines serve as the foundation for its effective and efficient social media management dashboard. Powered by, a visual search engine for finding the most engaging emojis, words, images, and hashtags for social media posts, the innovative platform inspires compliant content creation, facilitates social media post creation, and eases bulk campaign scheduling with voice-assisted technology. Founded by 4x entrepreneur, Arjun Rai, the company is based at the heart of advertising and marketing industry in New York City with a globally based team. 

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