📈 HelloWoofy Revenue, Growth and Projected Stats (Subject to Change but Based on Current Traction) 🚀

Dear Republic Investors :wave:,

Hope all is well. It’s only Tuesday but we’re excited to share some current and projected traction statistics for 2020. We hope you will find this insightful in your decision when considering investing in our humble startup that’s on a mission to provide affordable AI based marketing solutions to underdogs (or small business owners with limited resources). We’ve been delighted to help nearly 5,000 customers to date but intend on expanding aggressively over the course of 2020. Here are the stats:

  • :white_check_mark: Revenue up 15% month over month
  • :white_check_mark: Facebook group, “Content Masters by HelloWoofy.com”, for customers projected to grow 900% since launch in 2020
  • :white_check_mark: Customer base grown 16,000% since launch projected growth by end of 2020, 21,000% with total sales for 2020 conservatively at $250,000 (or more).
  • :white_check_mark: API consumption of HelloWoofy’s AI Technology up 11,000% to over 6,000,000 API calls monthly which are generated when a customer requests a recommendation in real time for a word or emoji as they’re typing. Patent pending. Projected total API calls 34,500,000 by end of 2020.

If you’d like to invest as low as $100 into our mission via the equity crowdfunding campaign or increase your investment (even another $100 would go a long way), please click herehttps://republic.co/hellowoofy

Have an amazing day ahead! :handshake:



Arjun Rai,

Founder + CEO,

HelloWoofy.com :heart_eyes

“This post originally appeared on Republic.co”