👋 New Features: Bulk Upload Images, Translate Posts, Real Time Emojis and More from HelloWoofy.com + Fundraising Updates! 🚀

👋 New Features: Bulk Upload Images, Translate Posts, Real Time Emojis and More from HelloWoofy.com + Fundraising Updates! 🚀

🥇Bulk Upload Images, Translate Text and Real Time Emoji Keyboard 📣

These are exciting times at HelloWoofy.com and we appreciate your tremendous support. First new feature is the ability to ✅ automagically translate english text in posts into any language of your choice opening up doors to clients you’ve never worked with before…no more boundaries!

Second, we listened to you, our customers, and introduced ✅ bulk upload images…but we made uploading smart. When you upload graphics or images with text, HelloWoofy.com automatically grabs the text and converts it into text for posting with too. For example, if we uploaded the following image to the platform (Image Source Credit: ShutterStock.com): 

You can see how HelloWoofy.com was able to “fetch” the text and create a post with the words found in the image itself…no need to re type or copy and paste the text. In fact, this works with ANY image!  

Lastly, we just released the ability to choose from a limited list of emojis that we are tracking in real time as they’re used around the world. Simply click on an emoji and paste into the text field above (it’s automatically added to your clipboard by default). This feature is available when adding content to your smart library as well as when creating a single post. Let us know what you think!  

🥇Coming Soon, View Past Posts from Campaigns and Single Posts 📣

Coming soon is the ability for you to view posts that you have posted in the past from campaigns as well as single posts. However, you won’t be able to edit those previously scheduled posts but can see which images, emojis, hashtags and text was used and can copy / paste into a new post. We limit the ability to edit or delete previous posts because HelloWoofy.com’s compliance engine actively checks for when your content may be too similar and considered spam for such platforms such as twitter. But just in a few days, you can see this feature LIVE on the platform!

We’re working on other improvements as well…keep the feedback and requests coming! Simply email arjun@hellowoofy.com or send us a tweet at @WoofyHQ.

🔈 We’re 97% Done with our Equity Fundraising Goal!!! 📲

As some of you know (and have participated in as well) we have been raising funding via Republic Equity Crowdfunding to keep up the efforts to improve, innovate and introduce new features into the HelloWoofy.com platform. Over the past few weeks we have been able to raise nearly $100k in funding and will be featured on TV as well on April 4, 2020 on the Meet the Drapers TV Show. We’re so excited!!!

Viewers and customers (or anyone) can invest as low as $100 into the equity crowdfunding campaign in order to own a piece of our humble little startup, HelloWoofy.com (and all it’s products). We hope to reach the $100k mark very quickly then raise max of $1,070,000. Have a look for yourself at Republic.co/HelloWoofy

As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email us anytimeor send a help request via the “help” button on the lower right hand side inside the platform. We love hearing from you and getting feedback.

If there is anyway we can help you with your business, we’re just an email away.

Feel free to schedule LIVE video screenshare demos as well if you need help, need clarifications etc. Schedule here: https://calendly.com/hellowoofy/intro-to-hellowoofy-com?month=2020-02

Sincerely 👋,

Arjun Rai,
Founder + CEO,
📥 arjun@hellowoofy.com
🌎 HelloWoofy.com / Woofy.ai / EmojiData.ai / WordData.ai



About HelloWoofy.com

HelloWoofy.com is a data science driven social media marketing platform designed to help small businesses and marketers globally compete in today’s digital world with the power of data. Woofy’s powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning engines serve as the foundation for its effective and efficient social media management dashboard. Powered by Woofy.ai, a visual search engine for finding the most engaging emojis, words, images, and hashtags for social media posts, the innovative platform inspires compliant content creation, facilitates social media post creation, and eases bulk campaign scheduling with voice-assisted technology. Founded by 4x entrepreneur, Arjun Rai, the company is based at the heart of advertising and marketing industry in New York City with a globally based team. 

Learn more at Hellowoofy.com, join the Content Masters facebook group or email us with a hello/question/comment at fetch@hellwoofy.com.